Analytical Equipment:
We take pride in our state-of-the-art facilities, cutting-edge technology, and team of highly skilled experts. Our Auckland and Melbourne labs boast an impressive range of analytical equipment that has been selectively acquired over the years. Our investment in top-of-the-line equipment enables our team members to scientifically innovate, conduct structured research, and develop elegant solutions to complex technical problems.In our Auckland lab, our equipment includes a TAX.T Texture Analyser, Homogeniser and UHT pilot plant, Water Activity Measurement equipment, Chocolate Conch and Marble Slab, Mastersizer, UV-Vis Spectrophotometer, and a Minolta Colorimeter. In our Melbourne labs, our equipment includes a UV-vis Spectrophotometer, a 3-1 Combi oven, 2 Stage Homogenisers, Water Activity Measurement equipment, an Ultra Turrax Disperser and a Canning Machine.
We leverage our expertise to replicate and develop our customer's processes in our lab, ensuring what we create is able to be successfully manufactured.
Colour and Flavour Development
We are committed to providing tailored solutions to our customers' colour and flavour needs. Our analytical equipment enables us to develop custom colours and bespoke flavours to match specific requirements. We also have a team of application technologists who specialise in stabilising flavours for extended shelf life.
Texture Optimisation
Texture optimisation is a core area of expertise for us, and we take pride in our knowledge of hydrocolloids and emulsifiers. Our analytical equipment allows us to provide simple, creative, and elegant solutions to texture-related challenges.
Technical Training Sessions
We take our role seriously in upskilling technologists (beyond our own staff) in challenging areas such as hydrocolloids and colours. We are committed to sharing our knowledge and expertise with others in the industry through technical training sessions where we dive deep into the nitty gritty of each ingredient.
Concept Lab

Concept Lab is the name for our proactive innovation development projects which focus on relevant and/or challenging product formulation issues. Our team works cross functionally to identify formulation challenges across categories, selecting development projects which will deliver value and inspiration for our customers. Each Concept Lab project includes product prototypes, market insights presentation and formulation details which are presented & provided to clients in a proactive manner. To learn more, contact us.
Useful Reference Literature:
- Australian New Zealand Food Standards Code
- We strongly recommend that you consult the Food Standards Code to ensure compliance of your food product. If you are having difficulty finding your way through the legislation you may wish to talk to a Consultant or contact the Food Standards Authority.
- FSANZ Nutritional Panel Calculator (NPC)
Nutrient Reference Values for Australia and New Zealand – Including Recommended Dietary Intakes (RDI’s)
Nutrition Information – Use Standard 1.2.8 Energy Calculations and Energy Factors.
Useful Links
- FDA GRAS (Generally Recognised As Safe) List – the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Centre for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, including a food additive database.
- Unit Operations in Food Processing – free online textbook covering the principles of food engineering and food processing.
- Fundamentals of Food Reaction Technology – free online textbook covering the quantitative understanding of the food reactions occurring during the transformation of raw materials into finished food products.
- Creating New Foods: The Product Developer’s Guide – free online textbook – a guide to the basic structure and activities of the Product Development Process, and an introduction to food product development as practised in the company environment.
- AIFST (Australian Institute of Food Science and Technology Incorporated) – AIFST is the only national, independent voice for Australia’s food industry professionals. AIFST supports its members contribution to the Australian and global food industry through the provision of information, training, events and networking opportunities to ultimately advance Australia’s position as a sustainable, world-leading food industry.
- IFT (Institute of Food Technologists) – Institute of Food Technologists (USA), news, technical articles and expert scientific reports.
- NZIFST (New Zealand Institute of Food Science and Technology Inc.) – NZIFST is the professional link uniting people in the food industry who apply science and technology to the processing and distribution of foods. It is committed to promotion and advancement of Food Science and Technology through regular branch meetings, newsletters, technical seminars and workshops, and an annual conference.